
UAE United Arab Emirates Links 

Coastal Safety Weather 


Here are some weather links that are useful when considering the likely weather conditions at coastal areas and out at sea

Wind Guur Abu Dhabi Island

Scroll to the bottom the page for the Gulf wind map

UAE Weather forecasting service – surface analysis  (WRF MODEL CHARTS)

Surface analysis with cloud

Surface analysis of pressure and weather systems in pretty colours

Animated wind direction and strength forecast for Gulf region

Cloud map for Gulf region


General Weather Information UAE

Fog in UAE

We have warm moist air over the sea and a hot desert with low rainfall. 95 per cent of the country’s fog is radiation fog.

This fog most commonly forms in the UAE between mid-December and the end of March –  aided by clear skies and calm wind conditions.

Cooling of the Arabian Sea by thermal radiation overnight brings air temperatures close to the surface of the water down. The previously warmer moist air looses it’s ability to hold as much moisture, causing condensation within the air mass above the sea resulting in low cloud or fog.

This fog is not just limited to coastal areas. The same fog can form over land  caused by temperature radiation from the land surface due to lower temperatures there during the late night and early morning. This fog can stay until after lunch when the land eventually warm up.

UAE averages 132 days of fog formation a year since records began in 2006, with the largest amount of January fog seen in 2010, when there were 17 days of fog and five days of mist.

Sand and dust storms

You can have a day of thick fog followed by a sandstorm, but that’s just how the UAE weather system works. If there’s a solid flow of air coming from the south, it can bring with it loose dust or sand.


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