Coconut Roti

This is a quick and simple snack or meal for any time of the day or night.

You can use your imagination to parcel spicy or savoury fillings.



From the ships stores

2 cups all-purpose or wholemeal flour

1 cup grated fresh coconut (Sinhala name: pol)

1 teaspoon olive oil

2 eggs

A few pinches of salt & Cracked Pepper

Chopped chilli to taste

Chopped onion to taste

Small amount of water – enough only to make a non-sticky dough

Mix all ingredients to make a dough, need for a few minutes

Avoid the temptation to add too much water – the mix will soon absorb and become “doughy”

Rest for 10 minutes


Roll out to approximately the thickness of a chartroom 2B pencil

Use a large glass or similar to “cut out” the roti discs

Cook now or freeze for later

Shallow fry or grill as you prefer


Enjoy on their own or:

  • Spread with strawberry jam
  • Honey spread or as a dip
  • Pol Sambol
  • Curry gravy
  • Anything else that takes your fancy.

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